HOW- flow


At Momentum Camp, students learn, experience, and practice FLOW.

FUTURE: thinking better about yours

    • Demystify getting into college.  Manageable course of steps for students to follow 9th - 12th grades to be prepared to submit high-quality applications for admission and scholarships at select universities. 
    • 15 hours of ACT Prep from a team of experienced, effective ACT/SAT tutors.
    • Developing toolkit for healthily dealing with these ubiquitous life-sucking maladies.

LEADERSHIP: taking someone somewhere starts with self-leadership

  • Deeply exploring the S.E.R.V.E. leadership model with expert leadership consultant.
  • Learning to craft SMART goals as well as Strategies and Tactics.
  • Culminating in custom-tailored Personal Development Plan for next 12 months.
  • Public Communication

OPTIMIZING LEARNING: harnessing the mind's innate capabilities

  • 80/20 Pareto Principle of Effectiveness
  • Time Management
  • Listening with Excellence
  • Reading with Intentionality
  • Note-taking & Outlining
  • Proven Study Techniques
  • Peaking on Tests

WHO I AM: students are enlivened as they develop a sense of their unique gifting and purpose

  • StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment with professional interpretation of results
  • Personal interaction with successful professionals in 15 different fields, each of which will share their journey to reach where they are at -- people with diverse backgrounds, united in the spirit of authenticity and even vulnerability with which they engage with our students.
    • research scientists, non-profit visionaries, tech entrepreneurs, marketing gurus, attorneys, architects, authors, inspirational speakers, CEOs, engineers, oil and gas investors, hedge fund managers, artists, counselors, & small business operators


Understanding that a significant part of our mission is to come alongside and support parents, Momentum will provide parents with straightforward guidelines for helping their children own their education and realize their potential.


Believing the adage that “Nothing succeeds like success,” as Momentum graduates apply their learning, they will discover an ever-increasing confidence and ability to successfully navigate the murky yet exciting waters of academia, work, and relationships.  Through vision and dedication our graduates will create their very own momentum.